Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Right To Be A Complete Fucking Asshole

My girlfriend sent me a link to this article: and obviously, my immediate reaction is "fuck that guy." Not like, you know, RAPE HIM, just fuck that guy.

Here is a young man, who is being educated in a higher education setting in the 21st century, who thinks that a woman who dresses provocatively deserves to have her clothes torn off of her and raped because she is "asking for it." Now, let's think about this:

  • This guy thinks that women who don't want to be raped (read: ALL WOMEN) should dress conservatively.
  • This guy thinks that men, when seeing a flash of skin, can not stop themselves, nor SHOULD they stop themselves, from raping a woman. 
  • Yet, this guy bashes on Islam, which, under Sharia law, covers women from head to toe, much as he would like to do. 
  • So, be his logic, should he walk around in shorts and a tank top, would it be his fault if a gay man came and raped him? Wouldn't he be asking for it?
Now, this man is obviously a walking id with no sense of self-restraint and no concern for the feelings of his fellow man, which, if I recall correctly, was kind of a big deal to Jesus Christ, whom this kid advocates.

Some people tried to rip the "You deserve rape" sign from him, which is understandable, but I appreciate our nations' free speech rights. Besides, I appreciate that he has shown his true colors, it's a full disclosure for any woman who was possibly interested in dating him that if she shows up for a date looking good, she's prolly gonna get raped. What a fucking turd. 

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