Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Bobby Jindal Can Bite Me.

Don't be an asshole, Bobby J.
So, one of the Republican Party's golden children, Bobby Jindal, recently posted a rant about "liberals" and what they "believe." In it, he drives home the point that for him, "The American People" are Republican and that everyone else is an idiot. Well, sir, I'd like to take a moment to respectably ask you to go fuck your own face. Let me respond to a few things.

One, I identify with the Democratic party, but unlike a pro football fan (and a lot of both Democrats and Republicans), I can admit when the party/a particular politician within the party is being a complete asshole. For example: Obama ordering more drone strikes: dick move. Obama expanding  NSA programs: dick move. I can also say that Chris Christie, a Republican, has been a legit political figure, caring more about serving his constituents than his party.

Now, Rachel Maddow was surprised by some of Jindal's blathering, but I'm not. I haven't heard about him in the news for a while, so it was about time for him to say some ridiculous shit to piss off/on liberals to get back to the head of the Republican pack. Here are some of the things he said:

T]he left wants: The government to explode; to pay everyone; to hire everyone; they believe that money grows on trees; the earth is flat; the industrial age, factory-style government is a cool new thing; debts don't have to be repaid; people of faith are ignorant and uneducated; unborn babies don't matter; pornography is fine; traditional marriage is discriminatory; 32 oz. sodas are evil; red meat should be rationed; rich people are evil unless they are from Hollywood or are liberal Democrats; the Israelis are unreasonable; trans-fat must be stopped; kids trapped in failing schools should be patient; wild weather is a new thing; moral standards are passé; government run health care is high quality; the IRS should violate our constitutional rights; reporters should be spied on; Benghazi was handled well; the Second Amendment is outdated; and the First one has some problems too.

Well, let me reply:
The government to explode - No. I actually agree with you that there is too much government and would like to see it implode a bit. I'd like to see the tax code simplified so that the average American can understand it. I'd like to see bureaucracy minimized. I want to see the government to protect our country from direct attacks, not act like playground bullies (with nukes) and go stick our nose into any country with a group of people who say they don't like us. I want to see us focus on allowing our people to be have the opportunity to live the American Dream. I want to see the number of people on Welfare to decrease, which leads to the next point.

to pay everyone - I want people who are employed to earn a respectable wage. When the same people who claim to be unable to pay Wal-Mart employees more than minimum wage, part time jobs are the same people who make up a healthy portion of the top ten richest Americans, I'm going to call bullshit. I've been on welfare and it sucks. You know what sucks more? Working 40 hours a week at a wage that in most urban areas won't allow you to afford a home, let alone insurance, let alone transportation, let alone feed yourself.

to hire everyone - So you expect some people to not have jobs? Am I reading that right? If they are looking for a job, but we have none to offer, should they just be left to die, then? Or should we offer some form of welfare?

they believe that money grows on trees - Well, let me fill you in on something about money: it's not fucking real. It's the idea that this piece of paper (which is made of trees), is worth a certain amount of gold. We base everything off of a perception of worth of a shiny yellow rock. Money is a concept that has always favored those who already have it: governments and banks. That said, I do have a decent grasp of financial concepts, including payables and receivables, and let me tell you something, conservatives are just as bad. We have X amount of money, some Afghan people decide to fuck us over, NOT Afghanistan, just some people from there, and we decide to not only go after them, but loosely associate Iraq's jerkoff dictator with them and send people over there. How much has THAT cost us in dollars that we don't have? I'd tell you, but it keeps adding up really fast. Here's something that you can check out though: http://costofwar.com/

the earth is flat - Are you serious? Apparently Bobby Jindal thinks of "liberals" as dark-age peasants with no education or literacy.

the industrial age, factory-style government is a cool new thing - I'm not even sure what you mean by this? Isn't industry a good thing to you? Don't you want factories to come to Louisiana?

debts don't have to be repaid - Tell that to my auto loan company. Also, see aforementioned cost of war with money we don't have. That's not all on conservatives, but you started it. Again, Obama not having that shit shut down already: dick move. Get your head in the game, Mr. President.

people of faith are ignorant and uneducated - I have no problem with people of faith, and I know some very bright men and women who are Christian, Hindi, Jewish and Muslim (I don't know all of my friends' religions, but I'm sure others are represented), and they have degrees and are wonderfully bright people. But, as I am now assuming you are a man of faith, I might well assume you are ignorant for thinking I am like that.

unborn babies don't matter - Pro-choice is NOT the same thing as pro-death. The fact that you don't know that is staggering. You act like those who have made the choice to have an abortion treat it like a fashion statement, not the life-altering decision that it is. It's amazing to me that an unborn child means everything to you, but the second that they are 18, they can be sent oversees to be blown to hell in a never-ending cycle of violent ferocity. Because they are already alive doesn't change the sanctity of their life. But, if you are going to lecture anyone about making the decision to abort, whether it be due to rape, health concerns or concerns for the quality of life that that infant might have to deal with, you better have a damned good excuse why you aren't rallying against war at the same time you're decrying teen mothers.

pornography is fine - OK, you got me. But you got a good chunk of conservatives, too, buster.

traditional marriage is discriminatory - No, traditional marriage is not discriminatory, ONLY considering traditional marriage is discriminatory. Is it because traditional marriage is "sacred?" Shut the fuck up. My parents are divorced. My best friend's parents are divorced. Hell, one set of my grandparents are divorced. I have an aunt that's been with her partner longer than most of the marriages my friends have had, seems that their relationship is fairly sacred. If you want to "protect" traditional marriage, outlaw divorce. Otherwise, sit down and shut up.

32 oz. sodas are evil - I can only assume you are talking about Bloomberg's ban on the sugary beverages. In that case, you know that Bloomberg jumped from Democrat to Republican to Independent, right? And I don't think they're evil, I think they're DELICIOUS, but I also KNOW that they are terrible for me.

red meat should be rationed - Rationed? Like...during a war? I don't think so. Do I believe in being healthy? Sure. I believe in balance. I had a fantastic rib-eye steak just last night. I don't recall anyone mentioning rationing red meat, but I do think that a "balanced diet" is a good thing. Sorry I want to not be fat any more, Bobby J, I'd appreciate it if you didn't try to peer pressure me into eating more fatty foods than I should. Dick.

rich people are evil unless they are from Hollywood or are liberal Democrats - No, rich people are evil if they try to get richer at some cost to someone else. I'd love to be rich, but I don't want to ruin the environment to do it. I don't want to cost hundred of thousands of people their homes to do it.

the Israelis are unreasonable - I don't know enough about Israel to have a real ideology about it. My friend Laura lived in Israel, though, she seems OK.

trans-fat must be stopped - "Can you believe these liberals? They don't want to eat stuff that's bad for you?!"

kids trapped in failing schools should be patient - Actually, I believe that teachers should be held accountable for teaching AND that they should be provided the resources necessary to teach at-risk kids.

wild weather is a new thing - "Wild weather" is one thing, continual increases over time measurable data is another. Don't talk to me like utilizing science is a bad thing.

moral standards are passé - Moral "standards" change with the times, buster. It used to be immoral to date someone of a different race. Some religious folk think that "showing ankle" is immoral. Hell, do we want to look at scandals in the Republican party to see how some of those in your party view "morals?"

government run health care is high quality - So why don't we work on making it higher quality versus bitching about ObamaCare?

the IRS should violate our constitutional rights - What the hell are you talking about? Do I think the IRS should violate anyone's rights? No. Did some PEOPLE at the IRS be vindictive dumbasses? Yes. Should they be disciplined? Yes. Don't bring your persecution complex around here, sir.

reporters should be spied on - That's fucking rich, coming from a party that created the Patriot Act.

Benghazi was handled well  - Not one liberal wiped their hands and said "Well, that went well." Not one. There were people who lost their lives, don't bring them into your political shitstorm.

the Second Amendment is outdated - Sorta. Something I don't believe is that "guns are bad." What I believe, and I think a lot of conservatives believe this, too, is that we should keep guns out the hands of "bad guys." The only way I can see us doing that in any kind of practical manner is through background checks. Now, was this rule written when people had a gun or two for hunting and/or protection during a time of constant invasion, yes. Rifles, shotguns, and handguns I have no problem with. Should we not allow people to have a tank? Probably. Does a citizen need the same gun attached to the side an Apache helicopter? No. The "I don't want the government to tell me what I can and can't have" is a juvenile cry similar to "My mom is MEAN because she won't let me shoot fireworks in the house." The situations are very similar: that shit's dangerous, bystanders can get hurt and you'll generally make a mess of things.

and the First one has some problems too - What the fuck are you talking about?

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