Thursday, January 3, 2013

There's No Partying in Bi-Partisanship.

I've just spent the last ten minutes with my mouth agape as I looked at the crudely done Photoshopping presented by some right-wing Twitter accounts. Images included:

Obama in a Middle-Eastern style military uniform claiming that he's the best Commander-In-Chief that the Muslim world's ever seen.

A meme-styled Chuck Norris saying "Fuck You Muslims."

And a  plethora of images of Barack Obama, Reid and Pelosi in ominous "They're gonna take our guns away!" images.

Well, Top Conservatives Of Twitter: Go fuck yourself. If you post this kind of self-righteous drivel, you're a fucking asshole who is pandering to the uninformed and angry. I get it, you want to think that you are the best and brightest, but this is terrible.

I KNOW that there are liberals who are just as ridiculous, going after Christians in the same way that the Muslims have been gone after by the ignorant right, and they aren't any better.

I KNOW that there are liberals out there hootin' and hollerin' about how racist people who voted against Obama are. Well, dickholes, some are, but not everyone.

I'm tired of the sanctimonious bullshit. I'm tired of the "my party's dick is bigger than yours." The line in the sand presented by our major political parties is more reminiscent of a playground feud between 2nd graders than grown men trying to manage one of the largest and most powerful nations in the world. We are a 1st world power run by children, and people wonder why we are in debt, why we can't move forward.

Not only are we run by a squabbling group run by their fear of being seen as weak, but we have allowed ourselves as a nation to become reactionary and uninformed, even in an age when information is so easily accessible.

Just yesterday, I saw a longtime friend's mother post about how "they" (whom I am assuming is mostly Barack Obama, based on her history of fairly conservative posts) "pretended" to care about the 99%, and that that was obviously bullshit, as her taxes "are going up."

Similar comments started populating on her Facebook post, including "I guess they meant people making more than $250, not $250,000." I reminded her that her taxes were planned to go BACK up, as the lowered taxes were a part of an economic stimulus that was originally planned for one year, and extended to two. It was Obama's administration that initiated the lowered taxes, but the fuzzy short-term memory of most Americans just sees it as "Obama's government sticking it to the little guy." There was also someone who alluded to the idea that gas prices have only risen during Obama's administration AND were somehow related to taxes. When I informed them both that the taxes were scheduled to go back to previous rates AND that gas prices haven't been "$1.50/gal" for longer than Barack has been in office, I was met with a snarky remark relating to the (vastly inflated) cost of a presidential vacation.

Are people really that set in their ignorance? Do we despise being wrong that much that we will simply deny and deflect any level of truth?

Maybe this is why we continue to elect cowardly politicians, those who are too scared to be deemed "traitors to their party" to do anything that makes sense.

I hope one day soon we will see the rise of a moderate party, one who says "Yes, we are spending too much, we can be more efficient with our programs." AND "Yes, these are things that we should do for our citizens and we should raise the tax revenues to ensure that we can both pay for the programs AND pay back our debt."

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